Monday, August 21, 2006

Like A Virgin: A Horoscope for Everyone

On August 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo, which as most of you know is the sign of the Virgin. That means that the big, hot throbbing sexy sun is about to go head-to-head with the sign that rules self-restraint, criticism and control.

So get ready for no nookie.

I mean this, people. Nobody anywhere on the planet will have sex between 1:22 AM on August 23rd and the autumnal equinox at 11:03 PM on September 22nd. That's when Libra, the sign of balance will have the presence of mind to say, "Fuck this. I'm getting some booty."

The good news is, that since nobody is getting any, all that creative and life-changing energy can be harnessed to give summer its fitting end. Tasks long left undone will be tended to, such as cleaning your grout, hosing down your deck, defrosting your freezer and other things. There is lots of sunbathing to be done still, and it is expected to still be hotter than dammit. So strip down and bounce your cute self to the pool, lay out and be fabulous. Get yourself a drink with a little paper umbrella in it. Then, when it's time to bed down, instead of making an advance on that sexy stud or hot chick you've been eying all day, just go home and masturbate. Then call or text them and tell them that you thought of them while rubbing one off.

No, don't, on second thought, that's creepy.

Mercury, the planet that rules communication and is the chief protector of Virgo, enters the sign relatively early in its cycle, on August 27th. But it won't stay long, as it passes into Libra on September 12th. That means you can more easily transmit your virginity by the spoken and written word. These 17 days would be a good time to learn to say, "No, I won't sleep with you because you are so damned ugly," in several languages. Allow us to kick you off:

French: Non, je ne coucherai pas avec toi, car tu es vachement laid.

Spanish: No, no voy a dormir contigo, porque eres tan y tan feo.

German: Nein, ich will nicht mit dir schlafen, weil du aber so häßlich bist.

Portuguese: Não, não vai adormecerme com você, porque você está ficando tão feio.

Realize this is good advice even without the beneficial effects of Mercury in Virgo, because there are ugly people all over the world. And they all want to sleep with you.

Venus crowds into Virgo on September 6th, which means that people you are deeply in love with will refuse to sleep with you.

Other astrological events that are important for the month are rather impactful. A lunar eclipse just before 2 PM on September 7th won't mean jack shit, because it's mid-afternoon and who gives a rat's ass about the moon at that time of day, anyway? But it's the annular solar eclipse that is the big news this month. Set to occur just after sunrise on the last day of Virgo, September 22nd, this will be a beautiful, powerful sight as the generous, life-giving Sun is shadowed by the Moon, that jealous bitch. Witnessing an eclipse first-hand brings wealth and prosperity to the viewer. So you'd better get down to Guyana. 'Coz that's the only place you'll be able to see it. Take some sunscreen. And don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Otherwise, it's relatively uneventful. Saturn in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius on August 31st. The only thing that will affect is the number of cashiers working that very busy day at Wal-Mart, down to just three from the normal four they have serving the 986 people who want to check out. Pluto, retrograde since late March, goes direct on September 4th, which means he will finally tell Goofy to go fuck himself. And this year, on September 11th, the fifth anniversary of the World Trade Center attack, observances should be peaceful, since Mars, the planet that governs violence, will have entered reasonable Libra just three days before. That, and all the other planets said they would tie Mars down and ass-rape him if anything happened on September 11th. So remember: Snakes On A Plane, yes. Lube On A Plane, no.

Lucky number: Seven, duh.
Best chance for romance: Rosie Fingers, baby. She's there for you anytime.
Best Original Screenplay: Reds. Oh wait, that was 1981. Never mind.

Have a great month! See you at the Lip!



Sunday, August 20, 2006

Death of a Friend

Sad news. Shane Laird, a regular at our Wednesday night poker game, died last week of an apparent massive coronary. Shane worked at Anthony's Showbar, and was beloved by everyone who knew him. He was just 36 years old.

He will be missed, and we are proud to have called him our friend.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Tomato Royalty

Hey Lipstick devotees! Just a quick update on the East Nashville Tomato Art Festival.

We crowned Suzy Woods and Sideshow Bennie as the Queen and King, respectively, of the festival this year. The festivities took place at the Lounge Friday night and a good time was had by all. These two showed the height of tomato-ness, along with our other three contestants, Kia Simmons, Rick Rude, and Monique Honeybush, who was named as the Queen's Lady-in-Waiting. Suzy and Bennie will be the Grand Marshals of the Second Line Tomato Festival Parade which takes place today at noon in front of Plowhaus on S. 17th Street and runs up Woodland to Five Points.

Such a good time. Y'all hit the festival today. You'll be glad you did. And congratulations to Suzy and Bennie.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

How We Handle Rejection

One of our dear sweet patrons, a favorite who shall remain nameless (unless you saw his post, or know that it's Heath Bish), sent out a cutesy little bulletin today:

Aug 3, 2006 2:21 PM
Subject: I Deleted You...
Body: well- maybe not you. but i did delete 2 ppl for this month. u might be next ;)

Now, granted, he sent it to everyone on his friends list, 'coz it was a bulletin. But for those of you too young to have witnessed the fury of a woman scorned in the film Fatal Attraction, allow us to tell you: Glenn Close was an amateur.

We want everyone to love us, and keep us in their lives. And thankfully, most people do. So we sent Heath a comment back. I was pretty damn proud of it, so I decided to make it the Lipstick Lounge blog of the week. Here, then, is our response to sweet Heath. Read and learn a little bit about what makes us tick.


Okay... we're gonna spell it out for you:

If you delete us, bitch, we will track you down. We will hunt you like prey. We will comb the ends of the earth to find you, and then, when we do, we will let you know exactly how hurt we are that you left us. How very desperately heartbroken you have made us. We will rattle off a litany of misery that will explain to you in no uncertain terms how very devastated we are that you have chosen to shun us, to reject us, to disavow us, and to exclude us from experiencing the splendor that is you. We will also make it crystal-clear that we have no intentions of allowing the slight to go unnoticed, and that we are people of action. We will seek retribution.

As the French novelist Pierre Choderlos de Laclos said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." So do not look for our ambush to fall swiftly. We will stew, ruminate and philosophize about the way in which we shall make you know the depth of our pain, and then, at a moment when you might have trivialized or forgotten our slight, we will appear to prove to you, sir, that we have not.

And we will be tenacious. We will stop at no barrier, spare no expense, and leave no stone unturned in our efforts to exact vengeance. We will galvanize our forces against you, and ensure our victory. And we assure you, we will have our day for the injurious slings that you may intend to thrust our way if you continue in this ruthless threat to delete us, if we have to make a lifelong crusade out of ruining you.

Because we love you like that.

Yes, like that.



And we mean every word! Please, keep coming back to see us at the Lip, tell your friends what a fun time you have when you come in, spread the word about us, keep us on your MySpace, comment us often, and just generally make us the center of your world. Because, in case the creepy obsessive diatribe above didn't prove it to you.... you're the center of ours.

We're hopelessly devoted to each and every one of you.

Much love! See ya at the Lip!
