Picking Up Trash
And no, I'm not talking about improving the environment.
Some of you may have seen the spot on Channel 4 the other day concerning a serial thief who picks up gay men in bars, takes them home and then robs them blind, usually stealing their car. Darian Trotter filmed his segment at the Lipstick Lounge, but to our knowledge it hasn't happened here. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't.
We love it that the Lip is a place where people create affinities with one another and get turned on, hook up and go home and bonk each other's brains out. But boys and girls, please exercise caution when you take someone home. And it's not just about getting robbed. You need to protect yourself from STDs including HIV, avoid emotional distress and be concerned for your safety as well. Here is a great article concerning one-night stand safety and sense. But for those of you who are too lazy or busy to follow a hyperlink, here's the Reader's Digest version:
1. ASK AROUND: Does anybody that you trust know this person? References are no guarantee, but better than a shot in the dark.
2. AVOID DRAMA: The love of your life is probably not hitting on you hot and heavy in the Lounge in just one night of knowing you. Not only could they be psycho, they could be a lightning rod for drama you don't need. Look for repeat visitors and talk to them a bit first.
3. OBSERVE: Watch who else they've talked to or hit on. Are they looking for you, or are they looking for anybody?
4. LISTEN TO THEM... AND TO YOURSELF: Anything that puts you off is probably a clue that this may be a mistake. Trust your instincts.
5. DON'T OVERSHARE: Knowledge is power. Don't tell someone all your secrets, or even give them hints. Statements like "I collect priceless Ming vases... wanna see them?" could get you into trouble.
6. USE PROTECTION: For God's sake. No, for real. Condoms, boys. Dental dams, girls. We're serious.
7. INFORM A TRUSTED FRIEND: If nobody knows where you're going, you could get chopped up into little pieces and never found. If you plan on spending the night in a strange place, make sure somebody-- somebody-- knows where you are.
Be safe, kids. Have a great weekend! See you at the Lip!
Some of you may have seen the spot on Channel 4 the other day concerning a serial thief who picks up gay men in bars, takes them home and then robs them blind, usually stealing their car. Darian Trotter filmed his segment at the Lipstick Lounge, but to our knowledge it hasn't happened here. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't.
We love it that the Lip is a place where people create affinities with one another and get turned on, hook up and go home and bonk each other's brains out. But boys and girls, please exercise caution when you take someone home. And it's not just about getting robbed. You need to protect yourself from STDs including HIV, avoid emotional distress and be concerned for your safety as well. Here is a great article concerning one-night stand safety and sense. But for those of you who are too lazy or busy to follow a hyperlink, here's the Reader's Digest version:
1. ASK AROUND: Does anybody that you trust know this person? References are no guarantee, but better than a shot in the dark.
2. AVOID DRAMA: The love of your life is probably not hitting on you hot and heavy in the Lounge in just one night of knowing you. Not only could they be psycho, they could be a lightning rod for drama you don't need. Look for repeat visitors and talk to them a bit first.
3. OBSERVE: Watch who else they've talked to or hit on. Are they looking for you, or are they looking for anybody?
4. LISTEN TO THEM... AND TO YOURSELF: Anything that puts you off is probably a clue that this may be a mistake. Trust your instincts.
5. DON'T OVERSHARE: Knowledge is power. Don't tell someone all your secrets, or even give them hints. Statements like "I collect priceless Ming vases... wanna see them?" could get you into trouble.
6. USE PROTECTION: For God's sake. No, for real. Condoms, boys. Dental dams, girls. We're serious.
7. INFORM A TRUSTED FRIEND: If nobody knows where you're going, you could get chopped up into little pieces and never found. If you plan on spending the night in a strange place, make sure somebody-- somebody-- knows where you are.
Be safe, kids. Have a great weekend! See you at the Lip!
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