Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Between You and God

A lot of patrons come in and we wind up talking about religion. Many of these folks are very conflicted because they have been told by some well-meaning loved one only interested in their eternal salvation that their sexual orientation (or their tattoo, or the way they wear their hair) offends God, and that they should change their evil ways. Lovely.

Let this thought liberate your mind: it is not any person in the world's place to tell you what God thinks about what you do.

You may not even believe in God. That's between you and God. So is everything else you do. Whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool holy roller who grew up in church every time the doors opened, or you follow a very offbeat spirituality, or you just don't much think about it, your ideas about religion have very likely been formed by other people. Preachers, teachers, parents, television, friends, whatever... all these well-meaning people have the idea that they have a lock on what the Almighty thinks, 'coz they've read highlights of a 4,000 year-old book (edited and translated from the original, of course). To me, that's the most presumptuous thing a mere human being can do.

No matter what your religious persuasion, God, as you conceive him/her/it to be is likely the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe and everything in it. Our feeble minds simply can't absorb that kind of infinity, much less explain it, and even less speak on its behalf.

Do what's right in your heart. Be who you are. Follow the Golden Rule, and you're probably okay. I don't know (I don't speak for God), but that seems like a good idea. I mean, he might fry your happy ass in boiling beezlenut oil for all eternity 'coz you like somebody with plumbing the same as yours.... but it seems unlikely.

Happy Tuesday! See ya tonight at the Lip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen. this, along with many conversations at the lounge, has helped me become who God has made me. there has got to be a special place in heaven for these girls. i love ya!


1:44 PM  

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